Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Monday, 27 April 2009

jouermaison 10

jouermaison 10, originally uploaded by pilllpat (agence eureka).

i feel very french today and that is a wonderful thing to be!

pldgeo 3

pldgeo 3, originally uploaded by pilllpat (agence eureka).

i feel like sunny france today...!

Saturday, 25 April 2009

naked lunch Corgi Edition, published 1968

kinda looks like william on this cover...ex libris this editor

Shock-headed Peter

how to really scare the stuff outta your kids....explains why i'm warped

bride & groom

, originally uploaded by 9 0 0 0.


traking the photos of photos being taken thing


Sepulveda, originally uploaded by monsieur be.

Yoyogi eki, Zeiss Ikon Taxona, 24x24mm, triX 400, ilfosol3
all the men and women merely players

寂寞•瀟洒 [Lonely•Freedom]

寂寞•瀟洒 [Lonely•Freedom], originally uploaded by NPNG!.


guinness, originally uploaded by maaco.

my first of the day....cheers Richard!

Friday, 24 April 2009

The Condemned of Altona cover by Paul Rand

Ex Libris PDV Morris aka The Old Geezer editor-at-large for the Flimwell Papers

Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Monday, 20 April 2009

Burn Man

Burn Man, originally uploaded by Mr. Lips.

Masami Nagasawa : Actress

Masami Nagasawa : Actress, originally uploaded by g2slp.

Uploaded by g2slp on 13 Dec 08, 8.55PM BST.


Paris(4), originally uploaded by zuikou.

Musee D'Orsay


Paris(2), originally uploaded by zuikou.

Metro -- and evening's end


Paris(1), originally uploaded by zuikou.

Dusk from the Eiffel Tower


Paris(3), originally uploaded by zuikou.

Front of Picasso museum


OLYMPUS TRIP35, originally uploaded by zuikou.

this was my first real camera

back street (cropped)

back street (cropped), originally uploaded by komehachi888.

Fishin' together

Fishin' together, originally uploaded by Bеn.

The Nam Ngum Dam, 90 km north of Vientiane, is a hydroelectric dam on the Nam Ngum river, a major tributary of the Mekong in Laos. The dam was financed with foreign assistance and completed in 1971 (two turbines with a capacity of 30 megawatts); the capacity was extended in 1975. approx. 70 – 80% of the electricity it generates being exported to Thailand. Fishing is now an important means of livelihood for many people living along the lake, many of whom lost their original means of subsistence when the area was flooded, and had to be resettled.

Photo taken from my bus window on our way from Vientiane to Vangviang. I removed the window reflections with PS. It was approx 7 hour bus ride. We passed endless numbers of villages, bamboo huts, rice paddies and banana trees, all surrounded by the mystique of low-lying clouds on a hazy day. We paused only to honk at water buffalo or goats standing on the road. For the next 3 1/2 hours, we slowly climbed north into the highlands, passing through beautiful valleys and ridges of tropical lush vegetation. At the end of the day the sun came throught and the sunset's were amazing. The breathtaking scenery was unlike anything I have ever seen.

De Nam Ngum Dam, 90 km ten noorden van Vientiane, is een hydro-elektrische dam op de Nam Ngum rivier. De grootste dam in Laos. De dam werd in 1971 met buitenlandse hulp gefinancierd en heeft twee turbines met een capaciteit van 30 megawatts; de capaciteit werd in 1975 verhoogd. Ongeveer 70 – 80% van de elektriciteit wordt uitgevoerd naar Thailand. Vissen is nu een belangrijk voor het levensonderhoud van de vele mensen die langs het meer leven. Ze moesten naar de komst van de dam zich opnieuw vestigen toen hun leefgebied overstroomd werd.

Sunday, 19 April 2009


Outstretch, originally uploaded by atkhoday.

Print Mag Cover

88, originally uploaded by print.magazine.


Wife Training

Wife Training, originally uploaded by brancusi7.

what were they thinking number 2

bed and purple

, originally uploaded by mollusk.

I love this
and can imagine Purple Rain comin' down outsdie

Saturday, 18 April 2009

Jolly Bee Bee

Jolly Bee Bee, originally uploaded by shollingsworth.

Spring in Sunol

Spring in Sunol, originally uploaded by shollingsworth.

featured in Diablo mag
Sunol, California

Double exposure taken with my Blackbird, Fly Camera. Kodak 100 speed film, cross processed.

Hood's Sarsaparilla

Hood's Sarsaparilla, originally uploaded by katwood.

Sunday, 12 April 2009


Changes, originally uploaded by .Bradi..

The Voice of Catwoman

The Voice of Catwoman, originally uploaded by Hilly_Blue.

catwoman -- the best


#26, originally uploaded by yein~.

another one
person taking a picture
of person taking a pic

snowland #60

snowland #60, originally uploaded by yein~.

Rijksmuseum Amsterdam

Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, originally uploaded by Joep R..


Hiding, originally uploaded by Joep R..

Harper's - model Mary Jane Russell

Louise Dahl-Wolfe

August 1944 Harper's

August 1944 Harper's, originally uploaded by myvintagevogue.

the wonderful fonts used on the listings

Happy Easter

Happy Easter, originally uploaded by myvintagevogue.

Approaching Train on the Ben Franklin Bridge

Saturday, 11 April 2009

The Jialing River

The Jialing River, originally uploaded by ☜ Yanming ☞.

Chongqing city.

Friday, 10 April 2009

Garden Gates Paris

, originally uploaded by debora-k.

Paris summer night

Sepia Paris

, originally uploaded by debora-k.


J'aime Paris

, originally uploaded by debora-k.


Moondog, originally uploaded by martinprine.

look to the light

look to the light, originally uploaded by orangerain149.

Colors of rust

Colors of rust, originally uploaded by Tina Jarnling.

Blue & Rusty 3


cri$is, originally uploaded by miuenski.

Blue & Rusty 2

rust & blue

, originally uploaded by kaliak.

rusty and blue number 2

, originally uploaded by wenday :D.

rusty and blue number 2

Busted Bicycles

Busted Bicycles, originally uploaded by Monkey River Town.

selection of bikes that could really use some work and good homes. Taken at "Hot Sam's Antiques".