Saturday, 9 January 2010


fly, originally uploaded by Peter Symons.

fly on my thumb
two flies on my thumb
two days ago you died
but only in my dream
my heart brings you back
to life
every night after
I am left alone
And I can't stand the silence inside
deep inside my soul

white and black

, originally uploaded by Olga e Zanni.

White and black (variation)
nude woman bondage
Man Ray 1929

Science-Fantasy issue no. 3

Science-Fantasy issue no. 3, originally uploaded by jovike.

art by bull

Que sais - je...

Que sais - je..., originally uploaded by nina-clic.

Those shoes

Those shoes, originally uploaded by calm outside.

between words

between words, originally uploaded by Dimitris Tria.

i fell at that moment you wished
between your legs
you stayed there almost without acknowledging my silent
whispers to your

Porta chave para Casa

Porta chave para Casa, originally uploaded by artestenciva.