Saturday, 30 January 2010

Around The Old Dowager 048

Around The Old Dowager 048, originally uploaded by Patric1_m.

corner of a dusty room high atop the Waterloo Wine Building home to the Flimwell Papers

Java Fix at Cafe Veragnano

P1000144(1), originally uploaded by Patric1_m.


LF1985_09, originally uploaded by chuckp.

Thursday, 28 January 2010

Wednesday, 27 January 2010


London, originally uploaded by R A P H A.


Symmetry, originally uploaded by Yulia ♥.

back shot by Yulia -- wonderful pose and lighting is eerie

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Louis Francois Roubiliac by Andrea Soldi

Dulwich snow

During our recent snowy days in UK

Vincenzo Galdi

Vincenzo Galdi, originally uploaded by VersEAU lunAIR.


Yasuzô Nojima

Yasuzô Nojima , originally uploaded by VersEAU lunAIR.


Holbein, Hans the Elder (1465c.-1524) - 1514-15 Portrait of the Artist's Sons (Hermitage, St. Petersburg)

Hans Holbein the Elder was a German painter. He and his brother Sigismund Holbein painted religious works in the late Gothic style. Hans the Elder was a pioneer and leader in the transformation of German art from the Gothic to the Renaissance style.

He was also a woodcut artist and an illustrator of books, and was a church window designer. His sons Hans Holbein the Younger and Ambrosius Holbein had their first painting lessons from him.

The Way To Strength and Beauty

German cinema, 1920s.

From the New York Public Library

, originally uploaded by bobster855.

Nude study done between 1900-20 by Gari Melchers, 1860-1932, artist.

Sunday, 17 January 2010

nerd glasses cupcakes!

sis made these cupcakes

Gina Lollobrigida

Gina Lollobrigida, originally uploaded by Truus, Bob & Jan too!.

love that rose, and the pose Gina....

S/M Fearless

S/M Fearless, originally uploaded by Aris Visual Lab.

I'm fearless, now hear this
I'm earless, and I'm peerless
That means I'm eyeless, which means I'm tearless
Which means my iris resides where my ears is
Which means I'm blinded
But I'mma find it I can feel it's nearness
But I'mma veer so I don't come near
Like a chicken or a deer....................."


1983-01, originally uploaded by iMalfet.

Saturday, 16 January 2010

No no no

Film star Helen Twelvetrees on an elephant, Taronga Park Zoo, Sydney, 1936-7 / Sam Hood

From the All Things Heffelumpian!

Run believer fly

Run believer fly ©, originally uploaded by VersEAU lunAIR.

Pendant que
Une minute, une heure, un an, un siècle
Elle courre sur la pente descendante
Elle glisse
Petite poupée, os brisés
Petitesse devant le gigantisme du clair obscur
Dans la quintessence nocturne, au nomadisme primaire
Elle courre à perdre la chaleur de l’haleine
Et les bras de l’ombre lui sourient, mailles solennelles
Telle l’ironie du sort au milieu des géométries multiples
Espace des finitudes, membres poussés au chœur de l’infini
L’allongement dans le précipice accentue la vitesse de l’ivresse
Le « cou » de grâce un pied dedans
Force le corps d’enfant dans la sauvage luminance
Au sol, au mur, aux murmures immenses
Sans rampe ni échappatoire possible
Jambes buissonnières sur la fuite en ligne
Dans le déclin oisif de la nuit
Sur la balance comme un plateau
Enfouissant les splendeurs, les arbres et le bleu des cieux
Le son de la foule, les paradigmes et les consignes
L’ultime planéité sans les portes,
L’ultime pureté comme l’eau coulante
Comme l’eau
Profondeur du sang insomniaque.

Sans que rien ne monte
Sans que rien ne monte à la tête
Hors de soi dans la trajectoire que le mouvement
Et que si le corps bouge, tout bouge autour
Sauf le cerveau qui se tait. Le corps véridique sans les voix
Devenu étranger à soi même
Sentir celui que l’on est plus

Courir croyant voler.

Logbook of Woodcuts for Publications (MM 8590)

What is bread in the blood is close to the bone....

Thomas Benjamin Kennington ° La Sieste de Diane ° 1896.

Diane, the light implosion {The rest of Diane}

Quand Apollon (le Soleil) disparaît à l'horizon,

Diane (la Lune) resplendit dans les Cieux et répand discrètement sa lumière dans les profondeurs mystérieuses de la Nuit.

Free fall ©

Free fall ©, originally uploaded by VersEAU lunAIR.

Des milliers d’années ne suffiraient pas
à voler
à croire
la liberté est une illusion
o intuition de la liberté, où est ta clarté
acte de croyance,
croyance de la sensation libre

les traces d’enchevêtrements nous inscrivent dans les dédales profond du labyrinthe
les racines nouent jusqu’à l’inconscient leurs filaments
nous pouvons nous hisser sur les échassiers les plus hauts du monde
nos ailes seront faites de brindilles nébuleuses, de fragiles feuillages
nous pouvons compter sur notre force la faiblesse vient l’appesantir
nous pouvons sourire de l’espoir dans l’exploit
nos efforts nous rendent monstrueux,
nos hésitations

aucune hésitation n’est possible dans le désir de liberté

mais la délivrance
la libération
l’idée de lucidité
le rêve

la spontanéité
l’abandon aux interlignes

si le corps tombe en chute


howmanylonelythings, originally uploaded by D I C K S D A I L Y.

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Sensualism (also called sensationalism or sensism[1]) is a philosophical doctrine of the theory of knowledge, according to which sensations and perception are basic and most important form of true cognition. It may oppose abstract ideas. The basic principle of sensualism is "there is not anything in mind, which hasn't been in the sensations."[2]

The great philosophers of sensualism are:

53 Exit

53, originally uploaded by Dylan Goes Eclectic.

Stage left......

China diner

China diner, originally uploaded by Fusty Box.

The Flimwell Papers offers up the new file for your considerations, The All Things Art or Arty in Black & White Photo of the Week file!

A good photo ex libris

photo Tim Gravestock

Saturday, 9 January 2010


fly, originally uploaded by Peter Symons.

fly on my thumb
two flies on my thumb
two days ago you died
but only in my dream
my heart brings you back
to life
every night after
I am left alone
And I can't stand the silence inside
deep inside my soul

white and black

, originally uploaded by Olga e Zanni.

White and black (variation)
nude woman bondage
Man Ray 1929

Science-Fantasy issue no. 3

Science-Fantasy issue no. 3, originally uploaded by jovike.

art by bull